
Find and register your best domain names today!

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Explore the many domain names available for registration. Along with .coop domain names, we offer a variety of names in many domain name extensions to complete your portfolio of domains.

Protect Your Brand

Take the proactive steps today to protect your brand – register the domain names that correspond to your brand names and sub-brand names. In addition to trademarks, domain names can serve as your first line of defense to protect your brand names from being used by others.


About .COOP Domain Names

.coop domain names are available exclusively to cooperatives and cooperative service providers, and are used by thousands around the world, making it the online identity for the global cooperative movement. If your business is one of the following type, you are eligible to register a .coop domain name.

  • An organization is democratically-controlled, member-owned cooperative, consistent with the International 7 Cooperative Principles; or
  • An association comprised of cooperatives, or 
  • An organization that is majority controlled by a cooperative, or 
  • An entity whose operations are principally dedicated to serving cooperatives.

The registry for .coop domain names, DotCooperation, conducts audits of .coop domain registrations for compliance with the above eligibility criteria, and reserves the right to cancel, transfer, or modify a domain name in accordance with their registration policies.

Are .COOP Premium Domain Names Right For You?

Domain names are available at standard pricing for most every name and also at “tiered” pricing for premium names. Organizations with global ambitions can appropriately represent their missions with global category, premium domain names.

Click here to see the list of .COOP premium domain names.

About .CREDITUNION Domain Names

If you’re a U.S. or Canadian credit union, you now can register the .creditunion top-level domain for your website. 

This new domain is a sure way to make your credit union stand out from other financial institutions – pointing to good sources of information for credit union members nationwide.

A .creditunion registration or application must meet all the following eligibility criteria:

  • The registrant organization is a democratically controlled member owned credit union cooperative, consistent with the International 7 Cooperative Principles as defined by the International Cooperative Alliance identity;
  • Is a natural-person credit union;
  • Is legally domiciled in the United States and Canada; and
  • The requested or allocated .creditunion domain name registration(s) reflects the credit union’s company name, trademark or a derivative(s) thereof.