Our Commitment To Our Customers

1. We will offer you specialised domain services

We are committed to providing the highest quality customer care on the domain services available on Domains.coop. We will add domain services only when we can apply that same standard of customer care on the new offerings.

2. We will grow together

Our dedicated team is growing with our global business, answering the needs of our customers by expanding support hours for technical assistance, improving the features of the Domains.coop customer portal, and improving our KnowledgeBase available to our customers.

3. We will provide efficient and reliable responses

Our priority is to ensure you get the help you need when you need it. To facilitate this, we have created a responsive and efficient support system across multiple communication channels, to quickly respond to any issue.

4. We are here to serve the cooperative community

Our purpose is to serve the cooperative community and to actively support its ability to thrive in the online world. Our commitment to the success of global cooperatives means our dedicated staff are invested in providing prompt and high-quality service.


Let us know how we are doing – contact us today.